Saturday 7 July 2018

Retile show

This was just starting as we walked by so of course we had to stop and watch. I think the stats are that Australia has seven out of the top ten most dangerous or deadly snakes in the world. The snake wrangler had five of those.

The first one was non venenous and was the one that I almost stepped on last year.
 He took it around for people to pat it if they wanted to, his cage in the photo, the grey box and in there was a heat pack, if he didnt have the heat pack, he would be in hibernation. Very big snake, I would guess almost two metres long.
A nasty one.
 This one seemed to be tracking him, although he said that they have a short memory and will move on.
The deadliest, the venom will kill 60 people or two elephants. Only a little one but apparently it will wait to strike, nasty little buggar.
A pressure bandage will give a person an extra six to eight hours to seek hospital treatment. 

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