Tuesday 31 July 2018

Lucys trip to the vets

Lucy was due for her annual vacs today and the vet asked about heart worm and it was something that we hadnt thought about so they did a test. First they shaved her leg and then took some blood. She did back away a little but she was very good.

Her blood test showed negative so we can start her on a monthly tablet from tomorrow. The tablet we chose for her also guards against fleas and ticks so she doesnt need to wear a flea collar.
A pretty orange bandage was put over her shaved leg after they took the blood. The vet said to leave it on for a couple of hours. I was dreading taking it off but it wasnt sticky just a little stretchy which kept it on.

Unfortunately Lucy didnt make the journey home without losing the treats was given to her, it was about a twenty five minute trip. We will have to get her some travel sickness pills.

Monday 30 July 2018

A cute little church

We saw some massive churches in the UK.
 Oh, whoops this photo just snuck in.
One of the massive churches in England.
We came across this little cutie on the weekend.
There were graves and headstones in the back. On either side of the church were factories.
The church reminded me of the small church that we had been married. The grounds and the buildings, there was a community centre behind the church, were beautifully kept

Friday 27 July 2018

Structures in S Aussie

Concrete or cement tanks featured quite a bit, I captured a couple of them.
There may have been a cache up the rusted pipe.
Then there is my favourite.
We pulled up here and discovered that one line was in line looking like there was only one main pole.
Then of course there is the country icon.

Thursday 26 July 2018

A quick little afternoon project

Bedsides table/cupboards are limited in what they can hold.
I like to have a glass of water, usually library books that I have read and another pile of books that I havent read yet. Sometimes others things find its way to my bedside table and then as I now have a double plug to charge my phone and tablet, space has become very limited. If I cant sleep I will make a hot drink and then having to juggle things to fit.

I saw a good idea the other day and decided that I could make it for me. Luckily, I do have a sizable amount of fabric so it didnt take long to find something suitable.

I finished it just in time for me to watch Millionaire hotseat. It holds my tablet, a notebook and my phone will go in with notebook.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Mallala South Australia

Mallala is a small town north of Adelaide, pop 849 and 737 live within the township boundary. I first heard about Mallala when we were newly weds and Warren wanted to go and see a motor cross rally. The noise, the heat and the fumes didnt do much for me but he loved it.

Never been back until our trip yo Yorke Pen and we detoured a little as there was a geo art there in the form of 60. Sixty caches laid out along the fence lines, we did it in about one hundred minutes.

Moved into the township for a comfort stop which was at the local football grounds.  Our driver who had been to Mallala before said there was an interesting cache just out of town.
This is a war cementry and one of the best kept cementry that I have ever seen. There are only 12 graves and headstones here but in war time Mallala was a training field for aircraft. Many of the young airmen did not get to see active service as they died in training. The twelve that are buried in Mallala were local and it is a memorial for all the men who died training for war.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

A day in the park

Councils are busy in our local area, trimming branches and mulching.
Little bob cats, I reckon it would be fun to drive one of these.
Wattle is starting to come out which seems early.

Monday 23 July 2018

Moonta mines

Travelling back to Adelaide from Yorke Penisular there was a virtual cache at Moonta. Well, we couldnt leave that there so we dropped by.
The history was quite interesting and while I knew about it we had never been there.

Gloria and I walked up to the top to get the information that we needed. There were steps most of the way, using railway sleepers, some were turned on their sides. Couldnt decide if it was built like that or they had moved over the years. It was very cold up the top and we didnt stay very long.
This was the only building left standing and it doesnt look that big but would be four stories high.

Sunday 22 July 2018

A winters day at the beach

Lucy and I set off on her walk this morning and it was a fabulous day weather wise.
Great day to have a day out. The highway are usually very busy so we went over the highway to the beach.
We went for a walk after to make up for having an ice cream. Looks quiet but there was a lot of people in the cafes and board walks to the left.

Saturday 21 July 2018


Two days in Adelaide and it was colder than the Yorke Pen. We travelled to the Adelaide hills and saw this massive building set in large grounds. It used to be a nunnery, local council bought it but not sure what it is used for these days.
From there we went to a park
A cute bronze statue of a little aborginal girl with a fountain on top of her head. Fountain wasnt working but I just loved the looked of it.
Ducks were out in force, we didnt have anything to give them but they were ever hopeful.

Friday 20 July 2018

The White Album concert

Warren saw a doco on the weekend about this and it was stated that the guys involved played the Beatles music exactly the way that they did. He thought it would be worthwhile going to see, plus another favourite of his Chris Cheney of the Living End was one of the artists.

He was able to get two tickets together, although it was marked as limited leg room, he figured we could put up with it for two hours.

We travelled in by train, had dinner.
This was mine, creamy garlic prawns,  this was put up as a "mid main" I assume that it was a smaller meal.

We sat opposite the Brisbane wheel.
Taken from our table. At one point I checked to see if there was any caches, yep, one 63 metres from where we were sitting. Warren asked if I wanted to go up on the wheel. I said NO! 

After dinner we had plenty of time so we wandered over in the direction of the cache. Then he says, if I am going caching with you, its only fair that you come on the wheel with me. Five to minutes and I found the cache so we went over to the wheel. Me thinking that there wouldnt be enough time before the concert. Bummer, there was!
Actually it was fun, I didnt particularly like being right at the top but other than that, it was fine, we did about five rotations.

The concert was brilliant, quite fast paced. They did the album as it was produced. Four singers but mostly it was one singer for one song. One guy had been the singer for Grinspoon. The other two I didnt know but boy could they all sing. There was a sixteen piece band as well.
This photo was their encore.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Wood or log cutters

One of my favourite things to watch at a country show. The other thing that I particularly like to watch is the sheep dog trials, but they were being held later in the afternoon.
Picking up the pieces after a chop off. The ones we watched were handicapped so there was a count down and the loggers started on their numbers. One guy was off on 29 seconds, he was the last to start and he still won.
 The two here in the photo are both from Queensland hence the maroon singlets

Yorke Pen

Down to South Australia last week and we saw some magnificent sunsets.
We were on the beach at the time and it was just beautiful 

Saturday 7 July 2018

Retile show

This was just starting as we walked by so of course we had to stop and watch. I think the stats are that Australia has seven out of the top ten most dangerous or deadly snakes in the world. The snake wrangler had five of those.

The first one was non venenous and was the one that I almost stepped on last year.
 He took it around for people to pat it if they wanted to, his cage in the photo, the grey box and in there was a heat pack, if he didnt have the heat pack, he would be in hibernation. Very big snake, I would guess almost two metres long.
A nasty one.
 This one seemed to be tracking him, although he said that they have a short memory and will move on.
The deadliest, the venom will kill 60 people or two elephants. Only a little one but apparently it will wait to strike, nasty little buggar.
A pressure bandage will give a person an extra six to eight hours to seek hospital treatment. 

Two handsome lads

Out the other day walking part way round our local park which has a lake in it and spied these two. They were both just hanging out half in the water and half out.

The first one just sat and turned his head to watch our movements and leisurely decided to head back into the water. The second one did not move at all, he was enjoying the breeze.

Thursday 5 July 2018

A Shipwreck

Who would have thought there is a shipwreck close to here.

Out on Monday, we stumbled across this one, not too much of it left and apparently Government is trying to save it from deteriorating any more.

I took the photo up on top of the concrete path.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Outdoor classrooms

We travelled down south to a park near Narangba. A great wooden structure was at the start of the walk through the park.
Across the road were houses and then the path and bushland. There was a very strong smell of kangaroo but this time Lucy wasnt worried at all, maybe she had too many others things to smell and look at.

Further along the path we discovered areas that stated classrooms from one to seven. Each bay could have held eight to twelve kids and all different.

What a brilliant idea.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Zucchini noodles

I have heard of these but not cooked them or prepared them. While shopping I saw a pack, well, that was going to save me some time and effort.

I know people use them instead of pasta but I didnt want to make spag bol.
Lunch. I cooked the noodles in butter with a couple of rashers of bacon, added a tin of salmon and half an avocado topped with some cream and chopped parsley.

So glad that I bought two packs.