Sunday 4 February 2024

Cambodia food

 We watched Rick Stein on TV, we both quite like his cooking shows. It's not a regular thing but sometimes it comes up at different times.

Anyway, it appears that he was in Siep Trip  on for heaven's sake, the computer keeps changing it and I can't spell it properly anyway. It's a place in Cambodia where Ankor Way is, luckily it didn't correct that.

As Warren and I have both been there, him three and me twice, it was interesting to see the countryside and the cities as well. We figured that it was done several years ago as it looked much the same as when we were there last which we think was 2013. At the end of the program, the year did come up in Roman numerals, don't know why that is but it's a common occurrence. 2009. 

Warren was there in 1991 and then we holidayed 1994 or 95. 

Rick Stein did some cooking and visited the markets, loved those markets. 

One particular dish he cooked was prawns and fresh mango, so easy. No plans at that stage for dinner and I had everything needed except the mango. As Warren said shops aren't far away.

This was my version, I added some red capsicum for colour and because I like it. I thought I had prawns in the freezer but it was a seafood mix so prawns, mussels fish pieces and squid. I dare say they would have it over rice but we just had it plain, the mango did give it a nice fresh taste. Think it would be okay with pineapple as well.

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