Thursday 22 February 2024

A couple of sewing projects.

 I crochet another Elvira bag using blue and green, it's a little bigger than the red and grey one. 

Boy, it's hard on the hands after awhile, more the forearms actually than hands. Three strands of wool and a 7 or 8 hook.

The sewing I did for it was the lining. It was 12 inches across the bottom, 11 inches high and 35 around. I usually use metric but the tape measure that I picked up, Warren swears that they breed, had inches on one side and metric on the other and of course, inches was on the side I used, not that it mattered. As the bottom was round, I used a large dinner plate as a temp plate, it was a nice 11 inches across so added a little more when I cut out the shape and Bob's your uncle.

I also put a pocket inside. Grabbed a photo to place in it.
Currently using it for my next blanket which will have ten different colours so it will be contained nicely in the bag.

Second project was one that I have been meaning to do for awhile. I need it for the weekend so thought I should get on with it.
A pair of plate warmers, can be put into a microwave but I prefer to sit the bowl in after if need be.
Basically a square of fabric lined with some cotton batting with a dart in each side.

This is the other side with a bowl nestled in it.

Unfortunately my machine has got stuck on the second one so only one is made at the moment. That's got to be tomorrow's job to unstuck the machine and finish it. I think I have to replace the cotton. Just letting it and me stew for a couple of days. 

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