Thursday 1 December 2022

Lucy and her hardware

 Last week Lucy presented with a cut leg, quite a big cut and as she hadne been out anywhere we knew she must have got it in the yard.

Being both farm kids, we knew that usually dogs can look after their own wounds but by the second day, it looked to be opening. Warren took her to the vet hospital where they shaved the area and put five staples in. She also had antibiotics for ten days. They were a bit of an issue until Warren discovered that they dissolved in milk.

Today was back to the vets for either staples out or surgery. If surgery she would have had to stay for a couple of days. She arrived home happy as Larry, vet was happy with the progress but did say it will take another week to ten days. Her light haircut is almost over it. Photo was taken three days ago, looking much better now.

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