Tuesday 20 December 2022

Eggs Benny.

 Warren ordered these for breakfast at one of our bnb stops whilst walking Hardians Wall in England. When it came out I was envious as it looked and smelt so good. I had never had it before.

Our favourite coffee shop at home does a pretty mean one of eggs Benny and we often share one now for lunch. We were there last week and put in an order with a coffee each. As the waitress approached our table with two plates and I could see the eggs, I thought that Warren had ordered one each as I knew I couldn't eat a full serve. She laughed at seeing my face as she said she could tell what I was thinking but they had prepared one dish and already had put it on two plates to save us having to lean over and share from one. We agreed that maybe poker playing was something I should avoid as my face was very telling.

A couple of days later I decided to make eggs Benny at home as I had almost everything.

My version, toasted bread spread with 🥑, lettuce, grilled bacon, poached eggs with Mayo 

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