Tuesday 27 December 2022

Family pics across the years

 First time we have all been together for over six years when Rob and Lindsay flew up to visit.

It wasn't planned but goes oldest on left, then middle and youngest on the right.

Cleaning out a couple of drawers a few days later, I discovered some old photos.

I think this one is the oldest, not sure where or when it was taken. I think it is a professional photo and Rob, middle has braces on his teeth so he would have been 16 or 17, now 48.

A couple of years later, the house we were in was in Canberra and Jason, oldest must have been visiting as he never lived in that house. As we have lived in lots of houses, we identify photos and time by where we were living.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Eggs Benny.

 Warren ordered these for breakfast at one of our bnb stops whilst walking Hardians Wall in England. When it came out I was envious as it looked and smelt so good. I had never had it before.

Our favourite coffee shop at home does a pretty mean one of eggs Benny and we often share one now for lunch. We were there last week and put in an order with a coffee each. As the waitress approached our table with two plates and I could see the eggs, I thought that Warren had ordered one each as I knew I couldn't eat a full serve. She laughed at seeing my face as she said she could tell what I was thinking but they had prepared one dish and already had put it on two plates to save us having to lean over and share from one. We agreed that maybe poker playing was something I should avoid as my face was very telling.

A couple of days later I decided to make eggs Benny at home as I had almost everything.

My version, toasted bread spread with 🥑, lettuce, grilled bacon, poached eggs with Mayo 

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Santa's Elf

 Rained in the night and so I took the opportunity to walk Lucy on our longer walk. There's not a lot of shade on the first part so when it's hot I avoid it.

Silly me, I wore my leather thongs as i t was cool but I didn't realise how much it had rained. There were puddles, large ones on many of the paths.

Santa's little helper was too slow getting out the car this morning, quite cute so had to snap a pic.

Friday 9 December 2022

Bumper stickers.

 Some of these are fun, some are plain stupid.

Today driving to the shopping centre, I saw one that I had not seen before but it certainly made me smile.

It was on the top of a 4wd and stated "Sorry if I am slowing you down, vehicle and driver are both nearing retirement". 

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Back Roads

 New to us program on TV, I had heard of it before and seen a couple of episodes. Basically a presenter goes to small towns in Australia and interviews the locals about what is happening in that community.

My small hometown Mundulla in South Australia was one of the first featured when we started watching.

However they featured the agricultural show which is held in March and also the Deb ball which is held in May so it was done over a few weeks.

The show is quite famous in the south east with a big showing of horses, jumping dressage and carriage driving. Some cattle and sheep but the main area is in the town hall with cakes of all types, cut flowers, photography and art. One long time local had 87 exhibits, same as her age, she won a lot as well. When I was a kid she owned the local drapery store, one of four businesses, the others being a tank making business, a garage and a grocery store.

One of my cousin's is the indoor convenor for the show.

Mundulla hotel was a private house when I went to school, now run as an upmarket eatery
First council chambers

Thursday 1 December 2022

Lucy and her hardware

 Last week Lucy presented with a cut leg, quite a big cut and as she hadne been out anywhere we knew she must have got it in the yard.

Being both farm kids, we knew that usually dogs can look after their own wounds but by the second day, it looked to be opening. Warren took her to the vet hospital where they shaved the area and put five staples in. She also had antibiotics for ten days. They were a bit of an issue until Warren discovered that they dissolved in milk.

Today was back to the vets for either staples out or surgery. If surgery she would have had to stay for a couple of days. She arrived home happy as Larry, vet was happy with the progress but did say it will take another week to ten days. Her light haircut is almost over it. Photo was taken three days ago, looking much better now.