Saturday 22 October 2022

Trying to beat the rain.

 Yesterday we drove to Bribie Island to grab some adventures, walk the dog and have a coffee. Nice clear day at home, grey skies when we got there.

Hitched Lucy up and walked south, 300 metres and sign on the path announces that dogs were not admitted any further as it was the start of a national park. We were 250 m from where we needed to go. I went on, on my own, did what was required and back to the car.

It was starting to rain but had to stop to take this picture of "baby" magpie and mama, they were only a couple of metres off the path. Weren't bothered by me at all.

The last two adventure we did from the car with me getting out and walking the last 30 metres or so. People must have been sheltering from the rain as the cafe we usually go to with Lucy was full. Headed home for homemade hot chocolate 

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