Sunday 23 October 2022

Shenh hao

 Found a new to us restaurant closer than ones we have been before. Reviews looked good so we decided to try it out.

The decor looked like many places we have visited in China, wooden tables and chairs with plastic table cloths.

Pictures of the food in the window outside, we were excitedly looked at them when the waitress popped out and invited us in. We told her that we were seeing many dishes that we used to eat when we were living in China.

Warren had found his favourite, twice cooked pork, that he used to order several times a week from the school canteen. That's what he ordered, I went for the braised pork.

Mine, big dishes.

Warren's some la there (chilli).
He said it was the same. We couldn't finish it, did have two spring rolls for starters, came home with enough for dinner. Great value for $40.

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