Monday 22 February 2021

The Dry

 This movie came out about a month ago and we planned to go and see it but something interrupted our plans and we didn't go. Its an Aussie movie and I had read a couple of books that the author, Jane Harper had writteñ. 

I had forgotten about it and then it was advertised on TV,  I knew that was probably on its last legs at the theatre so we headed off Sunday morning.

Great time to go and see a movie, eight people including us.

Well, the movie didn't disappoint and as I was watching it, I was remembering things. I had actually read th I s book about eighteen months ago. However, I didnt remember the ending.

It was quite a powerful story set in country Victoria.  Small town issues.  

Thursday 18 February 2021


 I get excited when a letter is addressed to me. It doesn't happened very often but today I received two.

Full name and address. It was typewritten so I knew it was a business letter.

Both were begging Letters!

I guess its hard for places to get money for charities these days, but these weren't the charities that I support or have supported in the past.

I didn't like being made feel guilty for things that are out of my control. I want to be in control of where and when I donate. 

These two letters went to the shredder. I did wonder though how they got my name and address, I had made some donations last year to charities that I felt deserved it. I hope it didn't come from that,  I guess it will remain a mystery.  

Tuesday 16 February 2021

An Adventure

 Today I spent with Aidan and before we bought lunch, we went to a nearby park for an adventure. It was probably more suited for younger kids but it got us out of the house and in the fresh air.

Spots we were looking for started in the playground, Aidan grabbed a swing while I recorded the answer which was difficult!  Had to find the colour of the slippery dip.

On to the bird hide, then frog hollow, no real frogs there just ceramic ones. Then we wandered on to the fairy garden.

We finished on the suspension bridge which Aidan decided to jump on, making it rock. I could not persuade him to try anything else for lunch than Subway, so on to Subway we went.

Follow the yellow brick road.

 Or just the gps compass. A little trip to Redcliffe to find sculptures that I didn't even know  existed.

We have often visited the beach there and got fish and chips and where we needed to go was just a few metres away. At one point we found we were walking across a helical, it was not one of the paved one but a flat lawned area where a helicopter could land if required. 

One of the sculptures was partly nature and partly man made. How often at the beach do you see one thonģ?

There were three of these dead trees with many thongs nailed to them, some had names.

Just outside the RSL club was a permanent structure with painted poppies and a poem.

Sunday 14 February 2021

Paint colour chart.

 No, we are not painting anything but my latest blanket reminds me of a colour chart.

I bought a pack of 30 balls of 25gms each so 20 balls used plus the two balls of white. White was the only colour that was duplicated.  


 Trying to get our event attendances up so I went to this one an hour or so up the road. City stands for cache in trash out and the idea is to tidy up the environment. 

We took our own rubbish bags and started walking along the path that went through the park. There wasn't much there but then we found out that some people had attended early as they had other commitments. We got a bag each as well as a couple of caches.

Met with the model railway group. Due to Covid they can't run the rides that they used to but they make a point of stillmeeting once a month and getting the trains out.

There was a special cache for collecting rubbish and we needed to send proof to get the souvenir. 


Thursday 11 February 2021


 My birthday was on  a Sunday but it started on Friday when a parcel arrived. Warren often orders things online so thought he must have ordered. Nope, it was for me. I didn't buy anything, it was a DNA test! Warren said he didn't know anything about it and suggested packing it up and sending it back, thinking that it may have been a marketing ploy. I said that we could leave it for awhile.

Sunday came and I was meeting Sheridan to attend an event. Thank goodness she was driving as it was over mountains and windy roads and several bike riders out, these were push bikes not motor bikes. Narrow roads, cyclists and motorists with misty rain is not a good combo.

I had a couple 8f phone calls while there which I took several metres away from the group. During one with my brother, also his birthday, the whole group of about forty people,not all of them that I knew, sang happy Birthday to me. Sheri and I did a few different caches before returning home. Sheridan happened to mention that a parcel would be arriving, seemed that her and Jason had decided to get the DNA kit for me. 

 It was Warren's turn to cook, good old Mecca's!

Monday, it was time to go and collect my pressing, we had decided to update our tablets as they were on sale and I bought a nutri bullet as well.

Tuesday was to be my day and of course I had asked for a day of caching. Warren told Lucy for a walk as we both thought that getting in and out of the car would not be much fun for her. Twelve caches were on my list.  

 I tidied the house and made a picnic lunch.  Traffic was bad on the highway so we opted out and took the back ways. Rain started, maybe we would only get the most northern ones. News flash, severe thunderstorms, heavy rain, possible flash flooding what the?

I suggested we turn around and go home, we stopped at a playground where I knew there was a cache but never had time for before. It was our only cache for the day, we got home just as the rain came down heavy.

This week we went out again but not to the same area.

Friday 5 February 2021

Scuba diving

 I know that doesn't sound like me but according to a cache we got which said it required scuba diving, I must have done. We had 59 positive attributes and needed this particular one to complete a challenge which Sheridan and I found and signed in Tassie last year.

Sheri had told me there was one on the Gold Coast with this attribute.

We were on our way to an event the first of the year and we took a detour to get to this. I was wearing fancy thongs and no other clothes but she said it was not a problem. 

Pulled up in the car and I saw a board walk, nice! Walked out towards the water and around a corner the board walk stopped, it was about a metre off the ground. Had to jump down onto the sand. I didn't fancy jumping from that height so sat on the edge and pushed off. It was muddy as we were in mangroves,only 27 metres to go. Another ten metres and our shoes were sucked down into the mud.

Remove shoes and keep going, heading for a tree that the trunk had been blown and it was sort of growing sideways. Cache was in a hole in the trunk about five feet off the ground. Found retrieved signed and replaced, then realised that the other side of that tree was dry sand and we were able to walk back to the board walk on dry sand. Helped a lot with the mud on our feet.

Back at the boardwalk which was still a metre above the ground, I turned, intending to push myself up on to the edge,  only about six inches but I couldn't do it. Thinking I was going to have to walk out along side and in more mud,not a happy solution. Tried facing and threw up one leg then rolled and finally up on my knees then upright. Thank goodness there was no one around, I felt like a beached whale but I t I wasn't there as long.

Yay,now have all 60 attributes, we continued to the event walking in with bare feet, fortunately it was also at the beach.