Friday 12 April 2019

Flu shots

Agghh! Its that time of year again, seems to come around very quickly, helped by the fact that we were late last year and only had them done in August. I usually only have needed to go the drs twice a year to renew my scripts and when I went in March, the vaccine had not arrived and its easy to forget about it. Back for new scripts in August and there were signs at the doctors regarding the flu shots which lucky for us were still available.

This year, there has been quite an extensive advertising campaign so we got our new scripts and a note to take to the treatment rooms for a quick jab.

Its funny how different people react, Warren was sitting alongside of me when he had his done in his right arm but he purposely looked over his left shoulder. He needs to look awaywhen receiving an injection, I on the other hand prefer to watch the needle go in. I also chose my left arm and he chose his right arm to have the injection, we are both right handed.

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