Wednesday 17 April 2019

Finds in the bush

Its been souvenir time again and this time it was to find
caches with lots of favourite points. Six were up for grabs and the time limit was three weeks.

I went out with JACS for a Sunday, she had a list that she wanted to find and we ended the day with half of our points done. Waz and I went across to the island and found another four and bother, a did not find.

A letterbox which had been placed up a creek bed, 60 metres behind a playground, could not see it until we were five metres away.
The last one for the day, this one had only just be released for the event that we went to,  as it was so well done we each gave a fav point to it.
Some people go to a lot of effort, Aidan was with me on thisday and hefound it before me. It was a very quick find,he followed the arrow on the compass and the tin man was hanging behind a fencepost. It was called "have a heart".

 Then there was the gnome house, the dooropened on this one.
This was also an easy find with two small screw drivers attached to the inside of the top. The cache was at the bottom of the tube and the screw drivers had to be worked together to push it up the tube until it could be grabbed.

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