Wednesday 24 April 2019


The night before ANZAC and there is a footy match on, Richmond verse Melbourne. Just watched the opening ceremony.

Always a moving event. The flame was lit from the everlasting flame and then marched through the parks to the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) where the footy is played. The flame was passed to members of the light horse and the horses flanked one horse with the flame.

The ground was in darkness except for people with their phones as they marched in. Ninety thousand people were in the stands and it was eerily quiet as the flame entered. The flame was presented to parents of one soldier who had lost his life serving his country overseas.

Then the Last Post was played followed by the New Zealand national anthem and then the aussie anthem.

Oh boy, it certainly did sent shivers down the spine.

The footballers were on the oval during this time in their shorts and sleeveless jumpers then they run through a banner together.

Sunday 21 April 2019

Autumn in the National Capital

Its rare to see autumn colours and leaves at home so when we were driving the other day, I just had to take a photo. I have forgotten how pretty the leaves can be.

The days have been sunny but cool to cold over night and early morning

Saturday 20 April 2019

A Trig point and a Cave all in one

I had been told about this and it was on the plan to do on Sunday,but plans do change and we found our way out that way on Wednesday. It was only a little further like 5.4 kms but that was as the crow flies. It took up twenty mintues to get there with the road getting more and more narrow,we had lost the bitumen quite so time back.

There was a parking suggestion but we opted to park and walk, it wasnt far but pretty steep. I had to stop and admire the view a couple of times on the way up.

We had read that the trig point was covered by trees and unable to be seen until one climbed the rocky rise. Lycy was having a ball, running here and there and back again.

Yay, there is the trig point.
Here are the views over Canberra from a littlefurther up.

We had to come down a bit to find the cave, Warren offered to go down the rocky slope to find the cache, he was searching in the cave, my bad, I had been told that it was on the edge of cave no needto go inside, I had forgotten to tell him that.

A few anxious moments for me when he had been gone awhile, five minutes can seem like thirty minutes when there is no one around and no sound except the birds in the trees.

Lucy came bursting through the bush and then hurtled up the rocks to the trig, then I heard Warren calling for her. All were reunited and made our descent to the car. Project gc tells us it was an elevation of 1341 metres, very goodfor stats and also the d/t rating,it was a 4/4.5 plusit was quite old,bonus points alround.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Large Farm Machinery

In the middle of country NSW, we caught up to this piece of machinery on the road in front of us. The car in front pulled out and passed it, then it was up to us, not an easy feat when towing a caravan.
Just when Warren was getting closer tostart looking to pass, the left blinker went on and he was turning into a property.
What a massive thing, would not like to think of the cost of it but think it would go close to half of our house.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Finds in the bush

Its been souvenir time again and this time it was to find
caches with lots of favourite points. Six were up for grabs and the time limit was three weeks.

I went out with JACS for a Sunday, she had a list that she wanted to find and we ended the day with half of our points done. Waz and I went across to the island and found another four and bother, a did not find.

A letterbox which had been placed up a creek bed, 60 metres behind a playground, could not see it until we were five metres away.
The last one for the day, this one had only just be released for the event that we went to,  as it was so well done we each gave a fav point to it.
Some people go to a lot of effort, Aidan was with me on thisday and hefound it before me. It was a very quick find,he followed the arrow on the compass and the tin man was hanging behind a fencepost. It was called "have a heart".

 Then there was the gnome house, the dooropened on this one.
This was also an easy find with two small screw drivers attached to the inside of the top. The cache was at the bottom of the tube and the screw drivers had to be worked together to push it up the tube until it could be grabbed.

Friday 12 April 2019

Flu shots

Agghh! Its that time of year again, seems to come around very quickly, helped by the fact that we were late last year and only had them done in August. I usually only have needed to go the drs twice a year to renew my scripts and when I went in March, the vaccine had not arrived and its easy to forget about it. Back for new scripts in August and there were signs at the doctors regarding the flu shots which lucky for us were still available.

This year, there has been quite an extensive advertising campaign so we got our new scripts and a note to take to the treatment rooms for a quick jab.

Its funny how different people react, Warren was sitting alongside of me when he had his done in his right arm but he purposely looked over his left shoulder. He needs to look awaywhen receiving an injection, I on the other hand prefer to watch the needle go in. I also chose my left arm and he chose his right arm to have the injection, we are both right handed.

Thursday 11 April 2019


Its amazing what a bit of rain and then sunshine brings out.

I was north of home a couple of weeks ago and Lucy and I were walking streets that were unknown to us.

The gardens that had mushrooms growing them was incredible, not just onebut many in patches.

I didnt like to take photos of peoples front yard but before we got back to the car, we walkedthrough a large that we are familar with and blow me down there were mushrooms there as well, growing much the same as the gardens we had seen.

Sunday 7 April 2019

Country pubs

We dont have far to go to be in the country. We decided to go for a drive a few days ago and find somewhere for lunch.

We ended up at a country pub that we had been to before. Last time we have ordered three entrees but couldnt eat it all.

Not eating rice pasta potatoes flour products and sugar does make it rather interesting to say the least when we eat out. I decided the coconut prawns would be the best option for me.
Warren was keen on a Caesar salad there was an option to have some chicken with it.
Some of the extra chicken was for me in case my prawns were a small meal. Along with our meals was bread rolls and butter.

Again we took some home which Lucy enjoyed for her dinner.

Friday 5 April 2019


Or to give them the full name Magpies.
I heard one last week very close, Lucy thought so too as she dived out the door. Apparently she had left a little of her breakfast to have later. A baby magpie decided that dog nuts were a tasty snack and he had come right up to the back door.

He wasnt that scared of Lucy and only flew over to the vegie patch and sat on the tomato stake. By the time I grabbed my phone to take a photo, he had been joined by mum, who was more wary of Lucy.

I took pity on them and got some grated cheese to throw out on the lawn. Mum grabbed one piece and flew to the fence.
Once the cheese was eaten the baby (some baby, it was the same size as mum but still had the gray colouring) flew up into our tree and continued to warble/sing for several minutes.

This is a video with sound which may or may not play.