Friday, 7 March 2025

Tannum Sands

 Was were we stayed. We went to get the handover of the Cub Club files and computer. Warren and I are going to run the club for a couple of years. The out going administrator has been doing it for ten years and wanted a break.

Warren took the opportunity to do the Tannim Sands park run as well. The camper was fine overnight but it really heated up during the day.

As Warren was pretty tired when we arrived, I suggested we break the journey homel and do a couple of nights at Maryborough. Nice place and there were some caches there that we could find. We rang to book only to ve told they weren't taking any booking due to the cyclone that was about 400kms out to sea. It was expected to come inland by Tuesday. 

We headed for home on the Sunday.


Peacocks and peahens were walking through the camp.
The start of the parkrun.

We paid a few dollars extra to get an unsuited.

Our first night, there was a wood fired pizza guy on-site $15 saved me cooking and we took Lucy for a walk along the foreshore. Trouble was, there were a few mossies around.

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