That was the magic number that I set myself as a challenge to make 42 items for Uniforms for Kids over the holidays. Why? Because that was how many days we were going to have before meeting again.
Normal meetings times are every two weeks. Should have been a doddle but I was sick for almost two weeks before Christmas and did no sewing at all.
Some of my pillow case dresses.
More shorts.
Little dresses, these needed studs on the shoulders which Warren helped with, had to be put in with a hammer. I tried and got it crooked.
More shorts and dresses
Lady at crochet gave me this fabric, it was her daughters bridemaids off cuts. I had navy blue polo shirt to add.
These dresses were my davourite although they took awhile to do. It was a novel way to add in the uniform fabric. The pieces came with the pattern. These are for bigger girls, 8 to ten. I had a lot of the pink but I like to make them a little different.
I added the size to them to make it easier for those who pack and sent out to communities.
I did acheive the 42, 13 pillow cases dresses, (4-5)17 pairs of shorts, (5-7) 3 rompers, (3) 3 larger dresses, (8-10) two little dresses (2) and 8 snap dresses (4).
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