Friday, 29 November 2024

Prawns and brocolli

 Watching a program the other night, called A bite with Alice", I dont know who Alice is but she makes a dish and a celebrity arrives and helps her cook another dish using something they like but in a different way. Then she brings out something that they hate or would never eat and makes a dish with that.

Only a half hour show but food seems to be quick and easy. Last night, she had a comedian on that we had never heard of and he hated beetrrot. Well, she turned him around of course by making chocolate brownies with the beetroot. Not anything that I would do but it did look interesting. She had a sizable beetroot about the same size as an orange and boiled them together. They both went in a blender, skin on irange but beetroot had .come off. Then it was melted choc buttons, butter, almond and gluten free flour. Cooked in a slice tin with raw beetroit slices on top.

Anyway the prawns and brocolli, roast some cashews, 50grams look a lot, slice a spring onion on the slant, reason being if cutting in rings they can roll off the chopping board. Such a simple thing but never realised that before. I added four or five sliced mushrooms. Take/cut the flowers off a piece of brocolli, cook until just tender. Add some sesame seed oil and a little oyster sauce, add salmon and cashews at the end.

I know I said prawns but I couldnt buy any so salmon was the sub.

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