Sunday 20 March 2022

Swap meet

 We went to a swap meet last weekend, neither of us had been to one before.

It was to start at 6am and finish at 2pm. 

We did park run then coffee and showers so we arrived about 10.30, there was a few sprinkles and some were starting to pack up.

There was a shed and inside was some great looking motorbikes on display.

Not often a bike and sidecar are seen. I remember my dad brought one home and mum was in the side car and I sat in the foot of it, I would have been about eight. Dad was a mechanic and I suppose he was fixjng it and took it fir a run.

Three Indian bikes all owned by tge same couple, different years, two had the Indian head dress on the tank and the other had the writing on the tank.


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