Tuesday 29 March 2022


 Silly me I offered (only because no-one else did) to sew these squares together. Dont know who crocheted them as they left at the library for our crochet group. Trouble was there was no tail left on them to sew so had to add wool to each one before putting them together.

Ninety six of the buggars, making eight rows of nine. The mauve ones are slightly bigger, the wool must be thicker.

I have also done two blankets during the month, taking a break from toys although I do have one more elephant on my hook.

This was a new stitch taught at crochet class a couple of weeks ago and then a granny square with some wool that one of Warrens tennis ladies sent home with him.

Sunday 27 March 2022

Lakes walk.

 No park run for us yesterday so we took Lucy on a walk around our local lake. One path way that goes along the creek was still closed so had to walk on the inner path which is/was bitumenised, in parts it was muddy and most of the mud was slippery. Really had to watch where the feet were going. 

Lots if kids playing netball, Warren was amazed at the number, I told him that it was just because we had been around boys sports not girls.

Some fencing was down because of the flooding and had been replaced with temporary orange fencing. 

On the high side of the lake mud and debris could still be seen.

Lucy spied a water dragon and her claws were over the edge, with us both telling her to stop. The water dragon was sunning himself on a rock about a metre down from the path.

I saw an a elegant black swan amongst the rubbish and weeds.

Sunday 20 March 2022

Swap meet

 We went to a swap meet last weekend, neither of us had been to one before.

It was to start at 6am and finish at 2pm. 

We did park run then coffee and showers so we arrived about 10.30, there was a few sprinkles and some were starting to pack up.

There was a shed and inside was some great looking motorbikes on display.

Not often a bike and sidecar are seen. I remember my dad brought one home and mum was in the side car and I sat in the foot of it, I would have been about eight. Dad was a mechanic and I suppose he was fixjng it and took it fir a run.

Three Indian bikes all owned by tge same couple, different years, two had the Indian head dress on the tank and the other had the writing on the tank.


Just adding to the pile.

 I joined a crochet group that meets once a month. We were told about an ambulance service that would like toys to give to kids similar to trauma teddies. 

As we are travelling that way next month, I offered to deliver toys.

Since then I have been making toys and I have just been adding them to a box. Though I should get them out and make sure they are completely finished.

I took a break from toys and made two blankets which I finished this weekend so now back to more toys. My favourite is the elephant but the bunny is nice and quick so will be doing more of those two. 

Thursday 17 March 2022

Footy's back!

 Yay, although we have been watching some of the women's matches, not all of them are on TV though.

Last night, yep, Wednesdaý, not a night usually associated with AFL, had the furst fame of the first round and it was a replay if the grand final. Melbourne (Demons) against The Bulldogs. I thought the bulldogs would win, Melbourne had won the grand final last year.

Today with Warrens help I set up a tipping comp, only us and grandson in Melbourne in it, he likes to pick the winners and by how much.

Second match was on tonight, very exciting game. I do not have any points yet as I picked both losing teams.

We will get another game tomorrow night, three games on Saturday and Sunday. Lits of time to crochet during the ads and break times.

Saturday 12 March 2022

Warwick memorial

 Before leaving Warwick, I wanted to go for a walk, yes there were caches along the path which was only 180 metres from our motel.

We left at 6am, I hadnt slept all night and made our way over to the parkrun site.

It was really big, can just see Warren left at the base. A massive structure. Of course after all the rain the footpath had water over it in several places, we kept going walking on the grass as oyr feet were already wet. Couldnt walk the whole way but did about half, changed our shoes, luggage in the car and back on the road before 7am.

Wednesday 9 March 2022


 While we were waiting out the storm, Warren made a booking at a motel in Warwick. We had hoped to get to Gundawindi on the Qld border but that was another 200k from Warwick and we knew that night was going to cone in earlier because of the weather. Of course with it getting dark brings out the jumping mice (kangaroos) and we definitely didnt want to run into one of those.

The motel was on the main road through town and we drove in, very quiet and the office was shut. Strange as they knew we were coming as we had a booking. Warren rang the number and got given a room number and a code. 

Put the code into the box alongside of the door, keys were inside. Basic room with a microwave and a small uht milk in the fridge. Never saw anyone at all, there were other cars so we assumed there were other guests. 

Sunday 6 March 2022

Cunninghams Gap.

 On our way west to go south, couldnt go direct south due to flooding but we usually go west then south anyway to avoid  the semis. Of course being a Sunday afternoon we did encounter some of them on their way to Brisbane to unload first thing Monday morning. 

Cunninghams Gap is much better than it used to be, better and wider road and better cars. Its still going over The Great Dividing Range though so its high and windy.

It got very dark around three o'clock and we knew that a storm was coming across. Some great waterfalls that are not usually there.

The white on the rocks is actually water flowing over.

We were up in the clouds about twenty minutes after we pulled over into a stop as it was hard to see the road, luckily we had had a car in front and could see his tail lights, we had to keep driving for awhile until the rest stop came up. We were there for fifteen minutes and continued on to Warwick.  

Friday 4 March 2022

Still raining.

 Scenes from where I walk Lucy.

A log has jammed up against the railings.

Causing the water to flow out to the side.

Flattening all the tufts of grass on the other side. We were supposed to get super storms today and schools were cancelled, they didnt eventuate but we did have showers this afternoons.