Friday 17 September 2021

Check ins

 After several weeks of checking in using the covid app, it has become rather common place.

With our last lock down which I think was in July, more restrictions came into play which included checking in at many more places.

If we go to a shopping centre, then its check in at the entrance and then each and every store that is entered. 

However I was rather surprised this morning when visiting a small township up from our place. We had been in the park and then walked further up the street still in parklands and I saw a toilet block. As we were going to go home for at least an hour, I thought that I might as well use it.

There were two cubicles and as I went to enter one, I noticed on the door a check in app.

Surely not! In a toilet! I read the sign and yep sure enough, it stated that it was the Smith Street rest area facilities so got my phone out and checked in. Reminded me of my Dad grumbling about filling in the census form, saying that soon government would want to know how many times one had a sh....

Outside of the block

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