Monday, 15 November 2021

Time flies

 Its two weeks since I posted something. It is November and that means Nanowrimo or national November writing month. My twelfth year this year and after two years of writing short stories, I am writing a novel again. 

I did spend a bit of time thinking about writing but only settled on a story line two days before. I have cheated a little, took an idea from a book that I read and twisted it to suit. Of course like always it has taken off in a direction I didnt expect which had me researching wills being contested. I haven't solved that one yet, its an ingoing storyline but I do know how that bit will end up jyst got to tweak it a bit more.

Its day fifteen and by the end od todaĆ½, I should have written 25000 words, currently I am at 24568. Yes, I should go and do a bit more, main character gas been at a vintage clothes market, again, I know little about that but it sounded interesting. Goggle comes in handy.

I did come on here to talk about last nights dinner, quick and easy us the way when I am writing so steak and mushrooms with greens. The steak was Waygu beef,bit expensive but the tray gave us three meals and it was very tender.

Monday, 1 November 2021

Latest stitch

 Chain V stitch was what we learnt last week. It can be done as a solid colour or a two colour way. 

I learnt it as one colour but most of us were having trouble keeping the line of chain out of the way so when I got home, I did a sample using two colours. Looks good but cant let the colour trail as its every row it needs to be changed. 

Anyway, I mastered it, not sure what I would use it in. The example that Robyn brought in, looked like a place mat.